What does a Doula do?

So what is a doula?

“a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational
support to a mother before, during and shortly after childbirth to help her achieve the healthiest,
most satisfying experience possible.” - Defined by DONA international

In other words I am here to comfort the woman during her pregnancy,
labor and birth, and postpartum period. However you still may be wondering
how exactly does this look like?

during pregnancy:

A Doula can provide resources such as if the mother is needing specific assistance perhaps to see a acupuncture, information about particular hospitals, birthing centers or midwives. Sometimes providing local resources for women shelters or just a healthy place to eat.

May provide child birth education classes and work with you to prepare for labor by showing you birthing positions and comfort measures. Guide you through preparing a birth plan and getting in the mindset of what to expect and checking off any last minute things of your list.

A very common one is a Doula simply being there to educate you when you have questions in regards to pregnancy, procedures and what can occur. MyDoulas specifically strives to provide with evidence based information so that you and your family are prepared the best informed decision when it comes to your birth expectations and outcomes.

Lastly and sometimes overlooked a Doula can also help you prepare for the arrival of a newborn into your home. Those first few weeks can become a little hectic with good preparation the transition can become a little bit more smoother.

during labor and birth:

A Doula will be by your side the whole duration of your birth. As long as you call her on time to make it there! At this time, she will analyze the situation and begin setting herself to your atmosphere. If you are needing massages, hand held, ice chips, light snacks she is there to assist. Even take a photo is there are no extra hands. She will guide you into remembering your breathing exercises and comfort measures. Reassuring your partner, and guiding them in ways that they can comfort you as well.

As your labor progresses, depending on whether its at home, birthing center or at a hospital. If you have a question about a particular procedure or something that was mentioned, the Doula can answer questions in regards to what was said. For example if you where being offered pitocin and was unsure what that was, the Doula would further explain what it was, will do, can do, and your options surrounding it.

postpartum period:

Once you have delivered your beautiful baby the Doula can assist you with breastfeeding if needed. She will remain by your side for a few hours making sure that you are taken care of and if you have any questions she can answer to. Usually during homebirth the team of midwives plus the Doula will make sure that everything is cleared and set for you to be able to just relax and bond with your baby and family for the next few days. Also if there are any immediate arrangements after the birth such as phone calls, or picture needing to be made or taken a Doula can assist with that.

After the Doula leaves she will usually follow back up with you in a few days to check on the well being of everyone.



What Doula’s do NOT do is clinical work for you or the baby.
This is checking heart rate, dilation, diagnose, and any other medical practice.
We also do not make decisions for you. A Doula can advise you based on information received and remind you of options or give clarity but we are unable to speak for you. After all, this is YOUR birth, your moment of empowerment and control. Clinical work is taken care of by your midwife or OBGYN

what is considered clinical work?

Checking the mothers or baby’s heart rate, blood pressure, providing medical advise, prescribing or diagnosing any medication.


In the end I am here to serve the mother primarily during her birth.
My job and desire is to enhance her birthing experience by learning who she is
and what her desires surrounding birth is and do my best to comfort her during the birth and assist to ensure
that it comes as close as possible to her idea. Though no one can ever guarantee to have
the birth they desire and dream about , as a Doula I know that I can at least make
the mother, father, supporting love ones remind her that we are here
and she can and will birth a beautiful baby no matter what.

If you would like to know specifically what I offer my moms just review my


Relocated, Jax Florida