Why You Need a Doula

Your New Best Friend for Birth!

Girl, let’s talk. You’re pregnant (congratulations!), and if you’re like most soon-to-be moms, you probably have a million questions swirling around in your head. How will I handle labor? What’s it really going to feel like? Will I be able to make it through without yelling at everyone in the room?! No judgment if you do, by the way!

Enter: your future doula. Think of a doula like your pregnancy fairy godmother, but instead of a magic wand, she’s got an endless supply of comfort techniques, advice, and experience to help you through one of the most important days of your life.

Let’s dive into why having a doula might just be the best decision you make on this journey to motherhood.


Benefit 1: Emotional and Physical Support (AKA Your Birth BFF)

Now, you might be wondering, "What exactly does a doula do?" Let me paint a picture. You’re in labor, contractions are getting intense, and your partner’s looking at you like, "Should I do something?" That’s where your doula steps in, ready to be your emotional rock and physical support.

Doulas are trained in techniques that help you manage pain naturally, like massage, breathing exercises, and good ol’ fashioned encouragement. But it’s not just about easing discomfort. It’s about having someone by your side who’s been there and can guide you through the overwhelming parts with ease.

Practice this with me

Imagine you’re at home, in early labor, and feeling nervous about the hours ahead. Your doula might suggest taking a warm shower, practicing deep, calming breaths, and trying different positions to ease pressure on your lower back. The trick? A simple "figure 8" hip movement while standing or on a birthing ball. This can help open up your pelvis and get baby into a good position. So go ahead, sway those hips you know they don’t lie! - According to Shakira atleast.

Benefit 2: Advocacy and Informed Decision-Making (AKA The Translator You Never Knew You Needed)

So, picture this: You’re in the hospital, maybe feeling a bit overwhelmed. Nurses and doctors are talking to you in medical terms that sound like a foreign language, and all you really want to know is, "What does that mean for me and my baby?"

This is where your doula comes in as your personal translator. She’s there to break it down in real talk, helping you understand what’s happening and what your options are. Your doula doesn’t make decisions for you but empowers you to make the choices that feel right for you. Think of her as the friend who helps you order at that fancy restaurant when you don’t know what half the menu means! - Based on a true story because I had to ask my girl what Risotto was - it was good.

Now Let’s Imagine this

Let’s say your doctor suggests starting Pitocin (a drug to induce labor), but you’re unsure if that’s what you want. Your doula can explain the pros and cons in simple terms and discuss alternatives, like walking or using a birthing ball to encourage labor to progress naturally. Now though this is for this blog’s purpose - but if I am being completely honest a good Doula and birth team providers before you get to birth you would be aware of what these drugs are and if you and when you may want them. Essentially - you’d be prepare as a Doula I would be there to remind you of your options and your personal goals. Of which CAN change during birth and that is okay!

Try This at Home:

Grab a notebook and practice writing out a birth plan. Think about what’s important to you: Do you want an epidural? How do you feel about interventions like induction? Discuss these with your doula beforehand, and she can help you communicate them when it’s go time. You’ll feel way more confident going in when you’ve already thought it through!

Benefit 3: Postpartum Care and Recovery (AKA The Friend Who Brings You Soup)

Oh, the postpartum days. No one tells you how wild this ride is until you’re in the thick of it. Between sleep deprivation, feeding your newborn every two hours, and figuring out how to take a shower (seriously, when was the last time?), it can be a lot. But guess what? Your doula isn’t just a one-hit wonder. She’s still there for you after baby arrives.

Doulas offer postpartum care, which is a professional way of saying they’re still around to support you, answer your questions, and make sure you’re doing okay – physically and emotionally. Whether you need help with breastfeeding, want someone to chat with, or just need a break while you take a nap (yes, that’s a thing), a postpartum doula is a game changer.

Picture this: It’s Day 3 postpartum, and you’re feeling a bit emotional (yay, hormones). Your doula checks in with you, shows you how to get baby to latch properly for breastfeeding, and encourages you to rest. She might even prepare a snack or make you some tea while you take a breather. Because guess what? You deserve it!

Don’t wait Start Practicing Now!

Practice some self-care now, before baby arrives. Set up a cozy corner in your home with everything you’ll need in those early days – comfy blankets, snacks, a water bottle, and your phone charger. Also, prep some freezer meals ahead of time. You’ll thank yourself later when you’re tired but still want something yummy to eat! Trust me, you won’t regret this.

Sure that all sounds good but what does the actual numbers say?

Evidence-Based Facts to Back it Up:

Reduced C-section Rates: According to studies, having a doula can reduce your chances of needing a C-section by up to 39%! Source Why? Doulas help you stay relaxed, which can help labor progress more smoothly. Believe when I say the more you’re able to feel safe and trusting the better you’re able to let your body do what it needs to do naturally

Shorter Labor Times: On average, women who have doulas by their side experience 25% shorter labors. Source That’s more time for baby snuggles and less time in active labor!

Improved Birth Experience: Moms who have doulas are more likely to report higher satisfaction with their birth experience. Source That means feeling more in control, more supported, and overall more positive about the process. Having this as your birth experience is sooo important as you transition into a new stage in your life regardless if this is your first or fourth!

At the end of the day

Having a doula is like having a best friend who just so happens to know everything about pregnancy and childbirth. She’s there for you, cheering you on, making sure you feel empowered and supported, and even helping out after the baby is born.

So if you’re looking for someone who’s got your back from contractions to baby cuddles, hiring a doula is a no-brainer. You deserve to feel confident and supported as you bring your little one into the world. And guess what? I’d love to be that person for you!

If you’re in the Jacksonville, Florida area (or nearby), let’s chat about how I can support you on this incredible journey. Contact me today to schedule a consultation, and let’s get you prepped for the birth experience you deserve – with all the love, support, and fun along the way!


Partners Preparing for birth


Relocated, Jax Florida